Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade and Dr. Sunanda Ranade are World renowned Ayurvedic academicians, Ayurvedic Physicians and Researchers. Their aim of life is propagation of Ayurveda and they do this as Karma Yoga. They have travelled across all five continents many times and visited 77 countries for Propagation of Ayurveda in last 35 years and countries. They have treated thousands of patients in all Countries and have also conducted courses at various Institutes and Universities all over the World. –Brief Report
1.Invited by ‘Sterimed GmbH’ Saarburcken, for giving lectures on Ayurveda at various Institutes in West Germany – April 24 to May 14 th / 1982
2.Participated in National Conference organized by ‘International Federation of Heilpraktikers’ at Nanweiler, West Germany, Sept. 19 to Oct. 17 / 1982
3.Invited by IAAN–‘International Academy of Ayurveda and Naturopathy’, Villa Era, Italy for lectures on Ayurveda. Later on Visited various Institutes in Holland–Oct. 31 to Nov. 29 / 1983
4.Participated in ‘Euronatura Congress’, Milan- Italy and Institute of Tropical Medicine Hamburg- Germany. April 14 to June 14/ 1984
5.Participated in 2 nd ICTAM –‘International conference on Study of Traditional Asian Medicine conference’ at Surabaya- Indonesia. Later on visited Bangkok, Jakarta, Bali and Singapore. August 28 to Sept. 10 / 1984
6.Invited by ‘Faculty of social medicine of University of Bremen’ Sept. 28 to 1 st Nov. 1984. Publication of Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda Willy Kremling Verlag, Germany
7.Participated in as scientific secretary ‘First World Congress Ayurveda and Yoga’ in San Marino- Italy. Also given television interview on Ayurveda on RAI UNO (National television channel in Italy) in the program Italia Sera, Roma. Later on Visited UK also. April 22 to June 16 th / 1985
8.Invited by ‘Jr. Chamber of Commerce’ in Bari- Italy, Given Television interview at Barletta TV, Italy and visited Germany for lectures on Ayurveda. Oct. 27 to Dec. 2 nd /1985
9.Visited Basel, Swiss on the invitation of Institute Mandala for lectures on Ayurveda in April 1986
10.Invited by ‘Dhanvantari Center for Study of Traditional Asian Medicine’ Santa Cruz, USA, April 1986.
11.Participated in ‘World Congress on Neurophysiology and Yoga.’ Presented paper on Ayurveda and Yoga at Gubio- Italy Oct. 1986
12.Invited by CILUS– ‘Centro International Lavori Umano Sociale’ -San Vito de Narni, Roma- Italy Also visited Gottingen in West Germany. April 30 to June 11 / 1987
13.Invited by ‘Institute of Holistic Education’ in Wilmot, USA for lectures on Ayurveda. Oct. 30 to June 11 /1987
14.Invited by FIY for participating in the National Congress organized by ‘Federation Italiana Yoga’ at Bellari –Italy and later on visited UK and West Germany – April 21 to May 17 / 1988
15.Participated in the ‘Second World congress Ayurveda and Yoga,’ 1989 in Villa era, Italy. Publication of the book ‘Cure Ayurvediche in Italian language.’ Visited Rotterdam and Amsterdam in Holland and Bremerhaven in Germany.
16.Invited by ‘Salve magazine’ in Italy to take part in the project on Effect of Ayurvedic Medicines on Obesity. Visited Milan, Roma, and Palermo- Italy for giving consultation to various people under this project. April 30 to June 14th / 1990
17. Invited by ‘The world Research Foundation’ in Los Angeles, USA to participate in the conference on -New dimensions for Medicine focusing solutions on,- Oct. 5-7 /1990.
18. Invited by -Charysat Global Health- in Varase- Italy. Oct. 13 to Nov. 24 / 1991.
19. Invited by AIDA- ‘Ayurveda International Diffusing Association’ to participate in the conference on Obesity at Tokyo andnormal”> Osaka, Japan. Jan. 31 to Feb. 6th/ 1992
20. Invited by ‘La Berier Homeopathic practitioners Association,’ Milan, Italy; Oct. 15 to 26 / 1992
21. Invited by Artzkammer Berlin, Germany to participate and giving lecture on Ayurveda for Medical Practitioners in Germany at ‘Naturheiltag Fruhjahrskongress’ -March 21 to April 7 / 1993
22. Invited by AIVS – American Institute of Vedic Studies of Dr. Frawley, for teaching Ayurveda in – Seven days residential program at Santa Fe, N.M. USA. Afterwards conducted Ayurveda seminar for three days in Howard Johnson Hotel, on the invitation of Ayurveda Institute in Montreal, Canada. August 10-26 / 1993. Publication Natural Healing Through Ayurveda- Morson Press, Utah, USA.
23. Invited by – Charysat Global Health in Varase, Italy. Oct. 28 th –Nov. 11/ 1993
24. Invited by Seva Akademie in Munich- West Germany and in Italy by Manassero Foundation for Lectures on Ayurveda at Verona, Milan, and Turin. Feb. 17 to March 2 nd / 1994
25. Invited in Swiss by ARC- Ayurveda Research Center in Walzenhausen, as well as in Germany and Italy. April 23 to May 3/ 1994
26. Participated in Fierra Sana in Milan- Italy. June 10 to 25 / 1994
27.Participated in Fourth ICTM conference at Tokyo- Japan. Lectures on Ayurveda also given on the invitation of AIDA and for Onoju Pharmaceuticals at Osaka and Hokkaido in Japan. August 17 to 28 / 1994
28. Invited by – Werner Wicker Clinic in Habistwald- Kassel- Germany, October 1994. Publication of book ‘Ayurveda Wessen und methodic in German language by Haug verlag, Heidelberg.
29. Lectures and Seminars conducted for Medical Practitioners at Rovigo, Milan and Turin in Italy on the invitation of Manaserro Foundation. Publication of the book Trattato di medicina Ayurvedica in Italian language by Punto di Incontro, Vicenza. Nov. 3 to 26 / 1994
30.Invited for conducting Ayurvedic seminars for Naturopathic physicians at Rovigo, Milan and Verona in Italy. Later on visited Frankfurt and Munich for conferencesnormal”> in Germany. Jan. 13 th to 28 th /1995
31. Conducted Ayurvedic seminar at Verona on the invitation of Manasserro Foundation- Italy. March 19 to 29 / 1995
32. Invited by the University of Padova for lectures on Ayurveda and Yoga also visited Ateneo Veda Vyasa Institute in Savona- Italy. June 1 st to 23 rd. / 1995
33. Invited by NEIAM – New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine, Worcestershire, Boston, USA and California College of Ayurveda, Sacramento, Grass valley- USA. Also visited First Verlag Institute in Frankfurt, Germany. Publication of the book ‘Ayurveda Die wissenschaft vom langen leben’ in German language by’ First Verlag, Frankfurt, Sept. 6 to Oct. 12 /1995
34. Invited by – Seva Akademie- in Munich, Germany. Also visited Italy on the invitation of “Association Arkhae,” in Milan and Cortina- Italy. Feb. 22 to March 13 / 1996
35. Invited by -California college of Ayurveda, and “New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine, Boston- USA for lectures on Ayurveda at their Institutes. Visited Koln and Dusseldorf, Germany. May 14 to July 3 rd / 1996
36. Invited by Seva Akademie in Munich, Germany and by Orya Association, Milan, Italy. Sept. 11 to 17 th / 199616.0pt;
37. Invited by Foundation for Health -Osrodec Pomocy Zwodoriu, in Warszawa Poland for lectures on Ayurveda. Given television interview on Polsat 2 – National TV channel in Poland on Ayurveda. Nov. 21 to 30 / 199616.0pt;
38. Round the World tour of Ayurveda propagation for lectures at various Institutes in Hong Kong, Japan, Hawaii, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, Texas, Florida, Boston, Frankfurt and Paris. Dec. 22 to Jan. 25 / 1997
39. Invited by Seva Akademie, Germany. Feb. 20 to March 3 /1997
40. Invited by -Heilpraktikers Congress, at Düsseldorf, Germany, for giving lecture on Role of Ayurveda in Preventive Medicine for Heilpraktikers. April 11 to April 17 / 1997
41. Invited by NEAYIM- New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine at Boston, USA and later on visited Bahamas islands, Germany and Italy – May 15 to June 27 / 1997
42. Invited by NEAYIM- New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine, Boston and California college of Ayurveda, Grass Valley, California, USA, for lectures at their Institute. Also visited by the “Foundation for Health”, Warszawa, Poland. Gave radio and television interview on Polish television in Warszawa. Oct. 8 to Nov. 24/ 1997 |
43. Invited by Seva Akademie, Munich, Germany. Dec. 4 to9 / 1997
44. Invited by Seva Akademie, Munich, Germany. Feb. 19 to 26 / 1998
45. Invited by ‘SKA Ayurveda,’ in Milan, Italy and “Yoga Sadhana Ashram, Savona, Italy.
46. Visited Ateneo Veda Vyasa (Yoga Sadhana Ashram) in Altare, Italy for course for Medical doctors in Italy. April 16 to 28 / 199816.0pt;
47. Invited by California College of Ayurveda, Grass valley- USA. Also visited Germany on the invitation of Heilpraktikers Association and visited Italy for participating in Fierra Bolognia, Italy. June 11 to 28 / 1998
48. Invited by Ateneo Veda Vyasa (Yoga Sadhana Ashram) in Savona, Italy for conducting the course for medical practitioners August 25 to Sept. 5 th / 1998
49. Invited by East West College of Herbalist- East Sussex, UK and invited by association of Homeopathic doctors in Italy and Germany. Oct, 1998
50. Chief Guest at the Graduation ceremony of California College of Ayurveda, Grass valley, USA. Later on visited Institutes in Italy and Germany and UK for lectures on Ayurveda. April 14 to June 9 / 1999
51. Invited by Body mind and Health in Zurich- Swiss for conducting course on Kayachikitsa. Visited smallest country Lichtenstein. Later on also visited France, Austria and Germany. Oct. 2 – 29/ 1999
52. Invited by Ayurveda Institute of America, for giving lectures at Foster City and Houston-USA Jan. 11 to 14/2000
53. Invited by Seva Akademie, Munich, Germany. Also visited Houston- USA Feb. 17 to 5 th March 2000
54. Invited by Federation of Health in Warszawa, Poland and by Seva Akademie in Germany. Publication of the book Ajurweda- Nauka o dlugim zyciu in Polish language. Visit to Barcelona, on the invitation of School of Ayurvedic Culture in Spain. April 6 to 22 / 2000
55. Invited by SKA Ayurveda in Milano- Italy for lectures on Ayurveda and by Institutes in Germany. Later on visited USA on the invitation of Ayurvedic Institute in USA and Canada –15 th Sept. to Sept. 29 th / 2000
56. Visit to Mauritius, South Africa, and Zimbabwe for exploring the propagation of Ayurveda in these Countries. 7 March to 8 th April / 2001
57. Invited by Seva Akademie Germany for conducting course for Heilpraktikers. April 10 th to April 20 / 2001
58. Invited by Body and Mind Health Institute in Zurich, Swiss. Later on visited Ayurveda Institute of America in Foster city. Visited centers in San Francisco as well as Houston and Ayurveda Academy in Seattle, USA. Publication of the Panchkarma book in Japanese language by Tatemi Sakai Agencies- Tokyo 10 th May to June 25 / 2001
59. Invited by Ayurveda Institute of America for lectures at Houston and Foster City and by Ayurveda Academy in Seattle- USA. June 28 to August 200116.0pt;
60. Invited by Seva Akademie Munich, Germany- Oct. 4 to 10 / 2001
61. Invited by SKA Ayurveda Milan- Italy and visitednormal”> Germany. Nov. / 2001
62. Participated in the conference organized by Dhanvantari in Bologna and Milan- Italy. 29 Nov. to Dec. 7 th / 2001
63. Visited various Institutes in Australia, New Zealand and Clinic and Research Center of Ayurveda in Singapore 25 th Dec./ 2001 to Jan. 10 th / 2002
64. Invited by- School of Ayurvedic Culture, La Garriga- Spain for conducting seminar for doctors. Visited Germany and Italy for various seminars on Ayurveda Jan. 25 to 10 th Feb. / 2002. Appointed Hon. Consultant at ‘Veda Klinik’ in Charlo ttenhohe in Germany.
65. Invited by Ultimate Health Center, Athens, Greece and gave lectures at various Institutes in Germany and Italy. Also conducted course on Ayurveda on the invitation of School of Ayurvedic Culture in Spain and Bergler School of Massage in Graz- Austria, 5 th March to April 11 / 2002 Publication of the book ‘Masaje Ayurvedico’ in Spanish language.
66. Round the World Tour of Ayurveda propagation for lectures at various Institutes in Singapore, South Korea, USA, Germany, Italy and Spain. 5 th May to 24 June / 2002. Publication of the book Ayurveda Natures Medicine by Lotus Press,
67. Invited by Ayurveda Institute of America in Foster City and Ayurveda Academy in Seattle, USA. Also visited Bergler School of Massage in Graz- Austria June 30 to August 12 / 2002. Also visited Institutes in South Korea –Seoul and Singapore. 68. Invited by Bergler School of Massage in Graz –Austria and by SKA Ayurveda in
Italy. Also gave lectures in Germany. Sept. 27 to Oct. 14 th / 2002
69. Invited by SKA Ayurveda, Milano, Italy and by Heilpraktikers Congress in Germany. Nov. 14 th to Dec. 03 / 2002
70. Invited by School of Ayurvedic Culture in Barcelona, Spain, for giving talks in Roma by Alternative Society- Italy, by Bergler School of Massage in Graz, Austria. From 11 th Feb. to 25 th March 2003
71. Invited by Bergler School of Massage in Graz, Austria and later on visited various Institutes in USA. 20 th April to 3 rd July 2003
72. Invited by Ayurveda Institute of America in Foster City, Houston and Los Angeles as well as Ayurveda Academy in Seattle- USA. Also visited Alaska. 14 April to 6 July 2003- Publication of the book ‘Ayurveda and Marma Therapy’ by Lotus Press
73. Austria, Germany – July 24 to August 10 th. Publication of the book Ayurveda- Basislehrebuch by Urban und Fischer, Munich, Germany.
74. Invited by Bergler School of Massage in Graz- Austria and SKA Ayurveda in Milan- Italy. Oct. 6 th Nov. 2nd / 2003
75. Invited by Ayurveda Academy in Seattle and by Ayurveda Institute of America in Houston and Los Angeles. Also invited by Ayurveda Academy of Canada in Toronto for lectures on Ayurveda. Invited by Shuddha Dharma Mandal in Sao Paolo, Florianopolis, Bluemenau in Brazil. Gave four television interviews on Ayurveda on various Television channels in Sao Paulo, and Uberlandia in Brazil. Feb. 13 to July 5 th 2004.
76. Invited by various Institutes in Germany, Italy and Austria –Sept.27 th to Oct. 5 th 2004
77. Invited by various Institutes in Germany, Italy, Spain From Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 th Nov. 2004. Received Hon. Professor Emeritus title from University of Bremen.
78. Invited by Ayurveda Academy in Seattle, by Ayurveda Institute of America in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Houston and International Wellness Center in Baltimore- USA. Also invited by Shuddha Dharma Mandal in Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Rio de Janeiro- Brazil. During this visit we visited Foz do Iguaçu. Later on we were also invited by Manisha Ayurveda Center in Santiago- Chile for delivering lectures and conducting seminars on various subjects of Ayurveda From March 10 to August 19 th 2005.
79. Invited by Hungarian Ayurveda Medical Foundation in Budapest, Hungary. Project on Island of Rugen in Germany, SKA Ayurveda- Milano-Italy and Mallorca in Spain. Oct. 7 th to Oct. 27 th 2005
80. Invited by Seva Akademie, Munich, Germany. Also visited –Foster City, Seattle USA. Visited Sao Paulo, Manaus in Amazon, Brazil. March 2006 – July 2006
81. Mrs. Ranade was invited to Germany and Paris, France in July 2006
82. Invited by Yoga center in Sao Paulo, Brazil –October 2006 83. Invited for the conference in Salamanca, Spain in October –November 2006, Gave lectures in Lisbon, Portugal.
84. Invited by Seva Akademie in Munich, Germany from June/ 2007, Visited Scandinavian countries – Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Russia (St. Petersburg, Novgorod and Moscow), Belarus (White Russia) and Poland.
85. Invited by Kerala Ayurveda Academy in Seattle, Philadelphia, San Francisco, USA in September 2007
86. Dr. Mrs. Ranade was invited at Ayurveda Institutes in SFO and Los Angeles, Ca, USA in 2007
87. Visited China in 2008. March 14 to 22 by Air China from Delhi. Visited Beijing, Guilin, Xian and Shanghai.
88. Visited Seva Akademie in Munich, Germany for Ayurveda. Lectures by Dr. Sunanda and Dr. Subhash in June 2008. Later on visited Mexico City with Dr. Avinash Lele and Dr. Bharati Lele. Given lectures at various Yoga Centers in Mexico City like Simha Yoga and also gave lectures at the Anthropology Department of University of Mexico.
Later on Visited Lima Peru, Cusco, Machu Pichu.
Visited Sao Paulo, for participation in the International Conference on ‘Yoga Pela Paz,’ Also gave lectures at various centers of Suddha Dharma Mandal in Brazil.
Visited Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the invitation of Swami Maitreyananda. Conducted 2 days Ayurveda course there and also at Ayurveda PG Center of Dr. Jorge Berra and gave lectures at his Institute and in Shivananda Center.
89. Visited NAMA conference in Chicago, USA in October 13 to October 22/ 2008. Book publication – Ayurveda Massage Therapy, Lotus Press, USA.
90. Dr. Sunanda Ranade, Visited Canada and delivered lectures in Ismat Nathani’s CAISH center in Toronto, Canada, October 18 to October 26 / 2008.
91. Visited Seva Akademie, Munich, Germany in 2009 June for lectures. Later on visited Hungary, Budapest. Publication of book in Hungarian language ‘Ayurveda e Wellness’.
Later on visited Prague, and gave lecture at Center for Veda Research in Prague, Czechoslovakia by Mr. Pavan Kumar. Went to USA. Travelled to Brazil and gave lectures at Uberlandia, Goania and Curitiba. Visited Argentina- for giving lectures at PG Center of Ayurveda in Buenos Aires.
Visited Bogota, Colombia and gave lectures at University of Bogota.
92. Visited Turkey and Istanbul in December 2009. Then visited Jordon and Egypt also.
93. Visited Seva Akademie in June 2010 and later on Visited Colombia and then visited Ecuador. Gave lectures in Quito. Also visited famous islands of Galapagos via Baltra Islands. Came back to Germany and later on visited Norway.
94. Visited Cambodia and Vietnam for exploring possibilities of Ayurveda propagation in April 9 to 22 / 2010
95. Visited Sri Lanka for propagation of World Conference Ayu 2012 in Feb. 2011.
96. Organized International Ayurveda conference in Hotel Dhow Palace in Dubai, Sept. 22/23 in 2011
97. Visited UK, Scotland and Ireland in June 2012
98. Organized International Ayurveda Conference in Penang, Malaysia in August 2012
99. Visited Los Angeles, USA, Sept. 2012 for AAPNA conference. Dr. Sunanda Ranade, received Vagbhat International Best Teachers Award.
100. Visited Germany, Brazil (lectures at Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo) and Panama and USA in 2013
101. Organized Second International Ayurveda conference in Dubai, January 14 th 2014
102. Visited Bad Ems, in Germany, also visited MERU in Holland and later on visited Brazil for lectures at various centers of Shudha dharma Mandal. Invited at Maharishi University of Management, at Fairfield, Iowa, USA in 2014
103. Organized First International Ayurveda Conference in Roermond, Holland in association with Maharishi International Ayurveda Foundation and All India Ayurveda, Delhi on 7 th and 8 th April 2015. Visited Brazil for lectures at Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and USA also. Participated in DXN project for giving lectures in Slovakia (Bratislava), Serbia (Belgrade), Hungary (Budapest), Germany (Munich), Italy (Milan) and Austria (Vienna).
104. Visited Germany in March 2017 and Organized First International Ayurveda Conference in London, UK in association with Maharishi International Ayurveda Foundation and All India Ayurveda, Delhi, on 1 st and 2 nd April 2017. Also visited Estonia and Latvia.