Courses Of Ayurveda
Completion of the online Basic Ayurveda course you can join various courses in Ayurveda. Those who show good excellence in the study can undergo further training in different fields depending on their choice. This Academy offers a series of courses like Advance Clinical course, Practical Training in Panchakarma, Marma Therapy, Herbology, Ayurvedic Pharmacology, Ayurvedic Diet and Nutrition (cooking) etc.
Course timings and starting – All courses start on the FIRST MONDAY of each month. The teaching will be done from Monday to Friday, 5 hours a day. Whenever possible, excursion tours will be conducted on Saturday. About the Faculty and Training Centers- Ayurveda has many different traditions/lineage in India and each has its own specialty. Our Academy is proud to have affiliation with D.Y.Patil Ayurveda College, Pimpari. We have various faculty members who have vast experience from all of these different traditions and very good exposure of teaching Ayurved to foreign students. All of our faculty members practice Ayurveda in clinics in and around Pune. They have been trained in different clinical styles practiced in different regions of India. Therefore students coming to the Academy will get the opportunity to experience many different styles practiced throughout India. Students will also get benefit from faculties’ vast clinical experience. Students from Germany, Italy, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Swiss, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Japan, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Ecuador, Chile, Canada, United States, have gained experience at this Academy.
Basic Online Courses
These courses are conducted by International Academy of Ayurved, Pune, India
Contact –
Dr. Prasad Bapat, https://www.omayurvedicclinic.com/
Email : omayuclinic@gmail.com, Phone : +91 9822772882
Basic Ayurved (Online Course) To understand Ayurved in detail we should know first the basic principles of Ayurved.
Basic Ayurveda
– Panchamahabhuta siddhant, Tridosha and subdoshas their location and importance, 7 dhatu (tissue), 3 mala (waste products), macrocosm and microcosm, herbology, Swasthavritta – preventive measures, understanding of prakruti (constitution), basics of sharira rachana and sharira kriya, digestion and concept of ama.
Basic Herbology -Study of Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs.
It is the science of energetic principles and their various uses for treating diseases. Today while learning and practicing Ayurveda and alternative medicine; the knowledge of the healing herbs described in Ayurveda is very important. Learning the herbs in Ayurvedic way is very important but in today’s advanced world the updates and scientific information of the herbs is also very useful for the treatment of a diseases.
Basic Diet and Nutrition
Course Introduction, definition of health, concept of nutrition according to Ayurveda, Panchmahabhutas, Rasa, Veerrya, Vipak, Prabhav, 20 attributes, classification of food, contradictory food, assessment of constitution, food according to constitution, food according to seasons, food according to age, food for mind, ama and detox food, diseases and food channel affected vitiated dosha food, assessment of own food, Kitchen Pharmacy.
Advanced online course in Ayurvedic diet & Nutrition
Week I
* Introduction, Definition of Health
* Concept of nutrition according to Ayurveda and Panch-maha-bhootas (Primordial pentads)
* Concept of Agni & 20 Attributes
* Rasa, Virya, Vipaka, Prabhava
* Rules & Regulations, Classification of food
Week II
* Kitchen pharmacy
* Contradictory food
* Assessment of constitution, food according to the constitution
* Food according to seasons
* Food according to age, mind (Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic ahara)
Week III
* Concept of dairy in ayurveda
* Concept of Cooking medium in Ayurveda – ghee and oil
* Ama & detox food
* Diseases and diet / Dietary therapy (Ahara Chikitsa)
* Most commonly consumed food items/kind of food as per ayurvedic principles
Basic Practical Courses
These are two week courses
(Basic marma and Basic Ayurved massage course) conducted at Pune, India. Physical presence of student is required.
These courses are practical oriented hence students are deputed at clinics of IAA faculty members for hands on training.
Contact: IAA Secretary at iaa.sec@gmail.com
These two courses are of 2 weeks duration.
Training is given for 5 hours per day for 5 days in a week. Total 50 hours training.
Marma Therapy
Week I
* Basic introduction to Ayurveda
* Fundamental
* Principles of Ayurveda
* Introduction to Marmas
* Types of Marma
Week II
* Marmalocation
* Symptoms of marma injury
* Treatment of marmas like Abhyanga, Agnikarma,etc.
* Marma and yoga.
Ayurvedic Massage
Week I
* Introduction to basic principles of Ayurved
* History of Massage
* Ayurvedic Anatomy – Physiology and Constitution (Prakruti)
* Other healing systems related to massage
* Medicated and aromatic oils
Week II
* Actions of Massage (benefits)
* Preparation for Massage
* Basic strokes of massage
* Ayurvedic Massage- Abhyanga
* Udvartana and Gharshana
Ayurved and Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)
Week I
* Vedic background of ayurved and jyotish, Introduction of panchang
* Graha and their effects
* Classification of rashi, rashi and body parts correlation
* Description of rashi, Nakshatra
* Nakshatra and body parts, nakshatra vruksha
Week II
* Kundali preparation
* Importance of houses in kundali, houses and body parts
* Tridosha and planets correlation, dhatu and planets correlation, planets and mahabhuta correlation
* Planets and disease correlation, houses and disease correlation, time predictions of disease
* Gem therapy
Outcomes of course:
* Integration of Ayurveda and jyotish for ayurvedic Treatment
* Prognosis of critical diseases using astrology
* Use of gem therapy as complementary treatment
* Kundali preparation and general predictions
Ayurvedic Manas Shastra (Vedic Psychology)
Week I
* Importance of psychology from Prevedic and Vedic era, Influence of Atharvaveda on ancient psychotherapy, Darshanic aspect of Purusha, Sankhya Purush accepted by Ayurved, Practical: Assessment of Psychological constitution (Manas Prakruti)
* References of Manas Chikitsa in four Vedas, Definition of Swastha and importance of mind in it, Mana, cause of disease and moksha, Interdependence of sharir and manas vyadhies, Practical: Introduction of Ashtang yoga with practical aspect, Following Yam and Niyam in daily life.
* Atma vidnyan, Indriya Vichar( Indriya panchpanchaka), Tripod of life and Trayopasthambh (nidra, aahar and brahmacharya), Four Purusharth of life (dharma, artha, kama, moksha), Practical: Role of Aasanas in mental health and demonstration.
* Mana Vichar (Gunas, Vishay, dosha, avastha and other aspects) Cittavrutti, Manovaha strotasa, Practical: Importance of pranayama and shatchakras, Concept of Samadhi, yog nidra
* Manasic prakruti and their subtypes, Naishtiki chikitsa, ‘Annamanam manaha’ relation of food and mind, Practical: Dhyana and Dharana Types of dhyanas in practice (omkar, bindu, tratak)
Week II
* Manas hetu, Pradnyaparadha, Asatmendriyarth sanyoga, Manas bhava and their relation with Shair doshas, Practical: Role of panchakarma in Manas vyadhis
* Chikitsa sidhdant of Manas roga, Daivavyapashraya, yuktivyapashraya, satvavajay chikitsa, Practical: Shirodhara and Nasya in manas rogas, Marma massage in Manas roga Practical
* Curative measures (dynan, vidnyan, dhairya, smriti and samadhi), Adravya chikitsa (yadnyakarma, ishavachan, meditation, mani dharan, Astral influence on human physiology and psychology, Practical: chanting of few mantras, Discussion of few clinical cases of different types
* Aachar rasayan, Sadvrutta, Aadhyatme guna sangraha and Dharaniya vega, Medhya rasayana (herbs and rasakalpas), Practical: Role of Ashwasan Chikitsa with reference to counselling treatment.
* Manasa roga: Unmad and treatment, Manas roga: Apasmara and treatment and other mental disorders observed in practice (depression, ADHD,anxiety etc), Practical: Comparing modern techniques of counselling like REBT with Ashwasana Chikitsa
Advance Practical Courses
All advance courses are conducted at Pune, India. Physical presence of student is required. These are theory and practical oriented courses hence students are deputed at clinics of IAA faculty members for hands on training.
Contact: IAA Secretary at iaa.sec@gmail.com
All advance courses are of 3 week duration.
Training is given for 5 hours per day for 5 days in a week.
Total 75 hours training.
Advance course in Diet and Nutrition
Week I
* Introduction, Definition of Health
* Concept of nutrition according to Ayurveda and Panchmahabhootas (Primordial pentads)
* Rasa, Virya, Vipaka, Prabhava
* 20 Attributes
* Rules & Regulations, Classification of food
Week II
* Contradictory food
* Assessment of constitution, food according to constitution
* Food according to seasons
* Food according to age, mind (Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic ahara)
* Ama & detox food
Week III
* Diseases and diet
* Assessment of own food
* Kitchen pharmacy
* ietary therapy (Ahara Chikitsa)
Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs
Week I
* Introduction to basic Ayurvedic principles
* Introduction to Dravya, Guna,Karma
* Rasa, Virya, Vipaka, Prabhav
* Various herbs useful in Panchakarma treatment
* Various herbs useful in kitchen (India spices)
* Agrya Dravya
Week II
* Important
* diseases and herbs
* Plants useful in Rejuvenation
* Plants useful in Aphrodisiacs
* Plants useful for hair growth, skin enhancer
Week III
* Introduction to Ayurvedic
* Pharmacology various method of administrations of medicines.
* Bhaishajya Kalpana-Swaras, kalka, kashay, hima, phanta,
* Bhaishajya Kalpana- Asava, arishta, avaleha,taila, ghrita kalpana etc.
* Ayurved beauty care products
* Visit to Pharmacy- Quality control, packaging, marketing strategy etc.
Advance Marma Therpay
Week I
* Introduction to basic Ayurvedic principles
* Anatomy (in relation to Marmas) – Dhatu, sandhi, srotas, sira, snayu, kandara, sandibandha.
* Sense organs (gnyanendriya), Motor organs (karmendriya).
* Physiology (in relation to Marmas)- Dosha, panchamahabhoota, agni
* Chakra, Ida, Pingla, Sushumna
Week II
* Marma– Definition
* Classification
* Actual Marmas- anatomical sites
Week III
* Abhyanga,mardana, swedana, lepa, agnikarma, ksharkarma siravedha etc.
* Shirodhara, basti,shirobasti, katibasti, netrabasti, nasya, hrudbasti, dharana (Gems), Aushadhi Chikitsa.
* Marma and Yoga
* Marma and Meditation
* Marma and Martial arts Advance Practical
Advance Massage Therapy
Week I
* Introduction to basic principles of Ayurved
* History of Massage
* Ayurvedic Anatomy – Physiology and Constitution (Prakruti)
* Other healing systems related to massage
* Medicated and aromatic oils
Week II
* Actions of Massage
* Preparation for Massage
* Basic strokes of massage
* Ayurvedic Massage- abhyanga
* Special care of organs by massage- Face and head massage, Foot massage, Shirodhara, Netra tarpana etc.
Week III
* Kerala type of Massage- chavitti, pizhichil etc.
* Marma Massage
* Massage for specific diseases
* Baby massage, massage in pregnancy
* Research on massage Advance Practical Clinical
Clinical Experience in Ayurveda.
Week I
* Constitutional Analysis (Prakruti Parikshan):Practical evaluation of physical and mental condition.
* ShatkriyaKala- the disease process, stages classifications and prognosis.
* Digestive system (Annavaha srotas)in health and disease.
* Excretory system. (Purishavaha-mutravaha strotas): In health and disease.
* Ayurvedic massage and fomentation. (PurvaKarma- Snehan, Swedan)
* Dietary therapy (AharaChikitsa) for diseases of Annavaha and Purishvaha srotas.
Week II
* Diagnosis and patient examination. (Rogi ParikshaVidhi); Method and steps of diagnosis. (trividha, ashtavidha and dashavidha); Diagnostic pulse, tongue, abdomen.
* Respiratory (Pranavaha strotas) and cardiovascular (Rasa-raktavaha strotas) system.In health and disease.
* Medicated emesis (Vaman) and Medicated purgation (Virechan).
* Reproductive system (Shukravaha and Aartavvaha strotas): In health and disease.
* Dietary therapy (AharaChikitsa) for diseases of Pranavaha-rasa-raktavaha and shukravaha srotas.
* Garbha Sanskar (Ayurvedic prenatal care)
Week III
* Examination of disease. (Nidan panchak); Aggravated states of doshas, Sama, nirama condition.
* Doshas and tissues in disease process.
* Musculo-skeletal system and Neurological system (Mamsa, asthi and majjavaha srotas): In health and disease
* Medicated enema (Basti)
* Nasal medication (Nasya) and Bloodletting (Raktamokshan)
* Dietary therapy (AharaChikitsa) for different diseases of Mamsa, asthi and majjavaha srotas.
* Ayurved beauty therapy
Advance Practical Course in Yoga Therapy and Ayurved
Week I
* Introduction to basic principles of Ayurved (Ashtang Ayurved)
* Introduction to Yoga Therapy (Ashtang Yoga)
* Similarities and dissimilarities between Yoga and Ayurved
* Three bodies and panchakosha Vs Srotas Vidnyan
* Nadi- Ida, Pingala,Sushumna, Chakra etc.
Week II
* Diet in yoga and Pathya Kalpana in Ayurved
* Achar Rasayan Vs Yama and Niyama
* Pranayam and its usefulness
* Power of meditation
* Asana for different diseases
Week III
* Shatkarma Vs Panchakarma therapy
* Research in Ayurved
* Research in Yoga
* Global acceptance to yoga and Ayurved
* Yoga and Ayurved teaching institutes in India and abroad
Advance Practical Course of Proficiency in Panchakarma
Week I
* Introduction to basic principles of Ayurved,Introduction to treatment principles
* Types of Panchakarma
* Selection of patient for Panchakarma (preparatory procedures)
* Pre and post Diet for Panchakarma (Samsarjan Krama)
* Snehan- Internal and External Oleation
Week II
* Actions of Massage,Preparation for Massage, Basic strokes of massage, Ayurvedic Massage- Abhyanga
* Special care of organs by massage- Face and head massage, Foot massage, Shirodhara,Netra tarpana etc.
* Swedan- Patra pottali, pinda sweda, Awagaha sweda, Nadi sweda
* Vamankarma (Medicated emesis) 5. Virechankarma (Medicated purgation)
Week III
* Bastikarma (Medicated enema)
* Nasya (Nasal administration of medicines)
* Raktamokshan (Bloodletting therapy)
* Upakarma like Netra tarpan, karnapuran, shirodhara,padabhyanga etc.
* Research in Panchakarma
Advance Course on Women Health & Baby Care
Week I
* Anatomy of Female Reproductive System
* Physiology oh Menstrual Cycle
* Garbha – Mata Sanskar
* ANC according to Ayurveda
* Ayurvedic Management during Labor
* Sutika Paricharya
Week II
* Aartav Vaha Srotas
* Stanyavaha Srotas
* Yonivyapat
* Menstrual Disorders and Ayurvedic management
* Vaginal Discharges
* Infertility causes & Management
* Menopause: Ayurved view
Week III
* Navjat Balak Paricharya
* Childhood Sanskar
* Balgrha
* Lehan & Vaccination
* Malnutrition Diseases
* Baby Massage
Nadi Pariksha
Advanced Online and Offline course
Nadi pariksha method and sites
How and when to do Nadi pariksha?
Things to follow while doing nadi pariksha
Importance of Tridosha in Nadi analysis
Importance of Dhatu in Nadi reading
Importance of Sub-dosha in nadi
Nidan practices- Asthavidha pariksha
What is Level wise nadi pariksha
Ancient text references of Nadi Vidnyan
How to do self Nadi analysis?
Gati of Nadi pariksha.
Find out Prakruti though Nadi Pariksha
Nadi pariksha and mind status.
Importance of meditation for Nadi Reading
Advanced Practical Course (Physical attendance is must)
Advance course of Nadi Pariksha
With assessments
Effect of Prakruti, Agni, prahar, meal timings and vyayam
Importance of Trividh, Asthavidha pariksha
Role of Vata, Pitta, Kapha in Nadi pariksha
Role of 7 dhatu and srotas in Nadi Pariksha
Role of Prakruti, Agni and Mind in Nadi Pariksha
How to do nadi pariksha at different levels?
When, how to do Nadi pariksha
How to know dosha imbalance from nadi?
Sub dosha study in Nadi
Dhatu study in Nadi
How to calculate speed, thickness, energy of nadi and why?
How to read and understand changes in nadi?
Different locations and organ system study.
How to learn Nadi Bala, Agni, Sam/Niram
Nadi Guna study Kathin/Mrudu, Tikshna/Manda, Laghu/Guru nadi.
How to diagnose and pre-diagnose too?
Nadi of different diseases.
Prognosis of disease
Mental status, anxiety study in Nadi.
Importance of meditation for Nadi Reading
Importance of daily practice, perception skills and concentration during
Nadi analysis
Other Courses
Ayurvedic Practical Beauty Care (AdvanceCourse)
This is 4 week course.
contact- Dr. Sanjeev Gosavi, Director of Institute of Beauty Health and Ayurveda
Email: drsanjeev@ayurvedabeautyinstitute.com
* A) Definition, basic principle & unique features of Ayurveda.
B) Concept of beauty in Ayurveda
C) Dinacharya (Daily regimen)
D) Rutucharya (Seasonal regimen)
* A) Anatomy of skin according to Ayurveda/Modern
B) Facial bones & muscles
C) Skin (Constitution) according to Ayurveda/ Modern
D) Lymphatic & Blood circulatory system
E) Facial marmas & their role in beauty therapy
* A) Learning diseases and disorders of skin – Pimples, Dry skin, Dark circles,Oily skin, Wrinkled skin, Hyper pigmented skin, Hypopigmentation.
B) Useful Ayurveda herbs in beauty therapy
C) Preparation of cosmetic formulations
* FACE CARE a)Importance of Ayurvedic facial b) Benefits of Ayurvedic Facial c) Guidelines before performing treatments d) Preparation of client e) Preparation of therapist f) Indications & contraindications of the Ayurvedic Facial g) Spinal massage h) Cleansing technique i) Mukhabhyanga & Karna massage j) Swedana ( Herbal Steaming of facial skin) k) Deep cleansing l) Lepana
* Types of Ayurveda facials a) Marma facial b) Rejuvenating facial (Detail Study)
* Eye care · Anjana treatment for beautification of eyes,Management of dark circles with netratarpana, · Eye exercises
* Lip care
* A)Digestion & beauty
B) Ayurvedic diet guidelines for beauty enhancement
C) Yoga exercises for beauty enhancement
Hair section Anatomy of hair ( Ayurvedic & modern)
Hair structure, Hair cycle Analysis of hair and scalp Study of Ayurveda herbs for hair care Hair disorders and their Ayurvedic treatments – Dandruff, Acute hair fall, Graying of hair, Alopecia, Thinning of hair, Split ends, Infections due to Parasites
Hair care treatments in Ayurveda –
A) Shirobhyanga · Indication, contraindications and benefits of shirobhyanga · Preparation of client · Preparation and information about ayurveda oils · Learning scientific technique with marma stimulation · Post care
B) Shiropichu · Indication, contraindications and benefits of shiropichu · Preparation of client · information about ayurveda oils for shiropichu · Learning scientific technique · Post care
C) Shirolepa · Indication, contraindications and benefits of shirolepa · Preparation of client · Selection of herbs for shirolepa · Learning scientific technique · Post care
D) Shirobasti · Indication, contraindications and benefits of shirobasti · Preparation of client · information about ayurveda oils for shirobasti · Learning scientific technique · Post care
E) Dhoopana chikitsa
Advance Course in GarbhaSanskar:
This course is conducted at Pune and Bangalore in affiliated institute to IAA.
One week residential / non-residential course at BANGALORE. | Three days residential / non-residential course at PUNE. |
For more details please contact Dr. Priya Jain CEO – Uvas Ayurveda Research centre 254,16cross, 24main, 5phase, J.P Nagar Bangalore-560078. Ph: (080) 42068463 Email: doctorpriyajain@gmail.com www.ayurslim.in | For more details please contact: Dr. Supriya Gugale Tanushree Ayurved & Garbhasanskar Dhyan Mandir, Famous Chowk, New Sangvi, Pune-411027 Phone: 9822407677 Email: doc_supriya13@yahoo.com www.tanushreegarbhasanskar.com |
Syllabus: * Introduction -what is GarbhaSanskar
* Safe Motherhood with Ayurveda
* Diet In pregnancy
* Yoga in pregnancy
* Meditation in pregnancy
* Sanskaras to know Indian Culture
* Baby Massage
* Breast feeding
* Neonatology
* Examination of child
* Diet dentition and immunity
* Common Diseases in children and solutions
* Sutika Paricharya
* Mother massage
* Post natal exercises
* Role of meditation after delivery
* Values in Children.
* Parenting an art
Online Garbha Matha Sanskar course
fees……Rs. 9900/-
Academy and certification by..
Uvas Ayurveda in collaboration with IAA.
For more details please contact
Dr. Priya Jain
B.A.M. S, Mphil Ayurveda
CEO – Uvas Ayurveda Research centre
254,16cross, 24main, 5phase, J.P Nagar
M: 93432 09886
Ph: (080) 42068463
Email: doctorpriyajain@gmail.com
Advance ayurveda course on Rejuvenation and healthy life –
Advanced Ayurveda Course on Rejuvenation and Healthy Living, This course delves into the ancient science of Ayurveda, focusing on techniques for rejuvenation (Rasayana) and promoting a healthy, balanced life. Participants will explore authentic Ayurvedic therapies, dietary principles, and lifestyle practices designed to enhance vitality, longevity, and overall well-being. The course also incorporates practical insights on detoxification procedures, herbal formulations, and personalized care, enabling participants to adopt and share the wisdom of Ayurveda in their daily lives.
Dr. Ankita Shirkande, M.D. (Ayurveda), Ph.D.
Dr. Abhijeet Shirkande, M.D. (Ayurveda), Ph.D., M.A. (Sanskrit)
Website: www.ayurvedtreatment.in
Pune Branch: Shree VishwAngad Ayurved Panchakarma & Yoga Clinic, Sandhya Society, Plot no 1, near Shinde High school, Sahakar Nagar 2, Pune, Maharashtra 411009 https://g.co/kgs/CBiU5qa
Pimpri Branch: Shirkande Ayurved Clinic, Survey Number 11, Garli Heritage, Office no 101, Plot, 144, Ajmera Main Rd, beside Vitthal Rukmini temple, opposite to bank of Maharashtra, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411018. https://maps.app.goo.gl/A57dGsj4HjeVqEtd9
Week 1 | |
Theory | Practical |
● Overview of Ayurveda and Rasayana ● Basic Principles of Ayurveda for Healthy Living ● Basic Principles of Ayurveda for Healthy Living ● Introduction to Dinacharya (daily routines) and Ritucharya (seasonal routines) as rasayana behaviour ● Rejuvenating sleep | ● Surya Namaskar ● Nabhi Purana ● Dinacharya procedures ● Yoga Nidra |
Week 2 | |
Theory | Practical |
● Principles of an Ayurvedic diet ● Mindful rejuvenation ● Aushadha Rasayana (Herbal Rejuvenation) ● Rasayana herbs around you ● Introduction to Panchakarma (Detoxification) | ● Rasayan recipes ● Yoga Asanas and Pranayama for rejuvenation. ● Herbal preparations: decoctions, powders, and fresh preparations. ● Field visit ● Abhyanga (Self massage) |
Week 3 | |
Theory | Practical |
● Important practices for Rasayana ● Introduction to : Prakriti (Body genotype) ● Anti-aging and Immunity Enhancing Therapies ● Rasayana and researches ● Practical Application in your Life | ● Rasayan light diet (snack) recipes ● Identify your Prakriti and health condition (Vikriti). ● Preparation of Ayurvedic Rasayana formulations: Chyawanprash, Amalaki Rasayana, etc. ● E market survey ● Make a checklist – get it checked with an expert. |